For many businesses, reopening after the coronavirus lockdown will be stressful. No one wants to trigger another outbreak. Especially one that will cause everything to close again. Here’s a check list of some things to keep in mind when re-opening. It includes what to...
MERI Disposes Covid-19 Testing Waste
MERI disposes Covid-19 testing waste. It expects to see even more of it as the dial turns up on Wisconsin's Badger Bounce Back plan, MERI uses microwave technology to treat and dispose of Covid-19 waste. This is after the tests are analyzed and become biohazard waste....
Grande Cheese Sponsors MERI Sharps Collection
At a recent sharps collection event, MERI disposed of nearly 600 pounds of used sharps from area farmers. Grande Cheese partnered with MERI and sponsored three pre-Covid sharps collection days for its milk producers. They happened on February 24 in Janesville,...
Thank You for Choosing MERI Video
Thank you for choosing MERI. We don't take lightly the responsibility of managing your medical waste. And, we appreciate your support in helping us to properly dispose of your infectious, hazardous, pharmaceutical and universal waste streams. This thank you for...
MERI Collects Sharps at Drug Take Back Day
MERI collects sharps at Drug Take Back Day events in Stoughton, Waunakee and Edgerton, WI. Pills, patches, EPI pens, and prescription eyewear are just a few of them items people drop off for disposal. At Stoughton Wellness Coalition’s recent Medication Disposal and...
MERI Disposes Records Contaminated by Sewage Water
MERi is helping businesses dispose of records contaminated by sewage water as they dig out from the recent floods. Madison Environmental Resourcing, Inc. (MERI) disposes of this biohazard material at its licensed infectious waste treatment facility. Jim Fitzpatrick,...
3 Reasons Why You Need a Sharps Wall Box
Download Our Sharps Wall Box Flyer Here Ever notice a sharps wall box in restroom gas station, grocery store or other facility? Then again, you’ve likely seen plenty without. This disparity might have you wondering whether or not you really need to have one. The short...
MERI’s Mailback Kits Cost-Effectively Manage Microblade Waste
Many microbladers find MERI's mailback kits cost-effectively manage microblade waste. Helping people achieve their quest for perfect eyebrows has meant an explosion in microbladers in the US. And an explosion of microblade waste. A form of cosmetic tattoo,...
Savings Button
Click our Savings Button... MERI could help you save 20-50% on your medical waste disposal! Discover how much you can save!
MERI is offering a FREE Infectious Waste Poster to help hospital employees determine what medical waste goes inside the red biohazard bin. What is Infectious Waste? Part of the confusion around infectious waste is that is goes by many names, including: biohazard, red...