MERI logo with recycle symbol and A Division of Logistics Recycling Inc
MERI logo with recycle symbol and A Division of Logistics Recycling Inc

RCRA and DOT Hazardous Certification Class May 15, 2020

A RCRA and DOT Hazardous Certification Class will take place on May 15, 2020. It will be from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Madison Environmental Resourcing Inc. at 800 Uniek Drive in Waunakee, WI.

Hospital, Medical Clinic, Facilities, Environmental Service, Plant Operations, and Safety Department employees should attend. This is  especially for those in need of RCRA and DOT Hazardous Waste Certification.

Email if you’d like to join the class list or have any further questions.

WHAT: RCRA/DOT Hazmat Training

WHEN:     May 15, 2020

WHERE:   Madison Environmental Resourcing, Inc., 800 Uniek Drive, Waunakee, WI  53597

Check-In:  8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Class: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Cost: $250 person.  Continental Breakfast,  Lunch and Afternoon Beverages will be provided.

Certification: All who successfully complete the course test will receive their certification at the end of the day.

Payment: USE THIS LINK TO PAY BY PAYPAL OR CREDIT CARD. Alternatively, invoices can be sent ahead of the training day by contacting Please note the name(s) of those attending from your organization. In addition, payment can take place on the day of the training. Make checks payable to MERI. Receipts will be available.

RCRA and DOT Hazardous Waste Certification Class 05/15/2020 COURSE DESCRIPTION 

This RCRA compliance course is for large and small quantity generators. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires that facility personnel be trained to “perform their duties in a way that ensures the facility’s compliance” with hazardous waste regulations.

Are you meeting hazmat training requirements? This comprehensive training is for shippers, handlers & transporters. Students receive regulatory changes and training in the use and application of the 49 CFR manual. Every employee involved in shipping, transporting, or handling hazardous materials must receive training to be certified. And, the training must take place at least every 36 months. Also, the training must update whenever there is a regulation change affecting an employee’s job duties. All employees must train in hazmat compliance before performing hazmat activities in the workplace. This course will also provide train-the-trainer basics


All employees who are responsible for hazmat employee training. This includes those who prepare, sign or ship papers. Or, for those who handle placarding, security, marking and labeling, and  packaging. It is also for those who load and unload vehicles with hazardous materials, or handle other activities that are regulated under the DOT hazmat regulations.


