A big thank you goes out to all frontline healthcare staff – as well as those behind the scenes – for taking care of everyone during this Covid-19 outbreak.
From assisting patients bedside to preparing food to maintaining the facility and keeping it clean for all, we appreciate what you do each and everyday.
Also, our sincere gratitude goes to those working in environmental service and housekeeping. You are who MERI relies on to ensure the safety of our team when we come to collect your facility’s medical waste. We appreciate you taking the time to properly tie your biohazard bags shut. This protects all workers downstream of the hospital.

These pictures demonstrate properly tied biohazard bags. Notice the tight overhand knot on the red bio bag, or the zip tied knot on the yellow bio bag.
Good job, EVS and Housekeepers. Keep up the great care you take to keep everyone safe. Thank you Healthcare Staff!
Jim Fitzpatrick,