Sharps Disposal Solutions For Restaurants and the Service Industry

Cost Effective Restaurant Sharps Disposal Solution. MERI’s medical waste mailback kits are used by Restaurants as well as Coffee Shops, Hotels, Conference Centers, Convenience Stores and Gas Stations.
Install MERI’s sharps disposal system in your facility’s public restrooms for employees and customers to dispose of used needles and lancets.
Give us a call at 608.257.7652, or order your mailback kit today by clicking here.
We look forward to partnering with MERI to provide our restaurant members with a way to safely dispose sharps and other infectious waste.
WRA members who purchase MERI’s products will receive a 10% discount on their shopping cart items with promo code: REST10%OFF

Accidents Happen. Keep MERI’s blood spill cleanup and disposal mailback kit on hand. It disinfects, documents and disposes infectious waste such as blood, vomit, urine and feces.
Providing the Service Industry the Flexibility Needed To Stay Compliant and Save Money With Either Mailback or Pick-up Service
MERI helps protect both employees and the environment by ensuring that food operations are in compliance with federal, state and local regulations regarding the safe removal of needles and bio hazardous waste, without hidden fees or monthly minimums – saving customers 20-50% or more!
Swift. Safe. Sustainable.
MERI is a fully licensed and insured medical waste transport, treatment and disposal company with a nationwide medical waste mailback program.
All MERI medical waste mailback kits include a sustainable electronic manifest system for easy record keeping and proof of destruction. We help ensure your regulated waste stream follows all local, state and federal guidelines regarding proper transportation and destruction.
Read more about how easily it is for restaurants to dispose of sharps using MERI’s medical waste mailback service at
MERI Can Help You Stay Compliant with EPA, OSHA and DOT Regulations, and Save Money With Our Mailback kits and/or Pick-up Services!
MERI offers a variety of waste container types and sizes to meet your specific requirements, including:
- Infectious waste (including sharps/needles, bloody gauze).
- Hazardous materials (expired sanitizers).
- Universal waste (fluorescent bulbs, batteries and more).
No hidden fees! No monthly minimums!
Pay only when you need us!
Multiple contracts and additional fees can quickly inflate a restaurant’s infectious waste disposal costs.
To find out if you’re paying too much, call MERI today at 608.257.7652.